Thursday, February 28, 2013

Imagine Team Game

Player age group: All ages
Skill level: Adjustable
What: Skateboarding safety
Where: At a skate park
How: By teaching how to dodge obstacles while wearing safety gear

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Plan Game Scene

The game scene is a skatepark with various obstacles that the player (named Bob) has to dodge. If Bob collects safety gear he can survive multiple collisions with obstacles. Every time that happens he loses an article of safety gear, and if he hits an obstacle while wearing no safety gear, he dies.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mobile Game Idea

My idea for the mobile game I want to make is about skateboarding safety. I like this topic because it fits in perfectly with the side scrolling game because the player can control the skateboarder and collect safety gear while moving. He will also have to avoid obstacles that will take away safety gear.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Side Scrolling Game

My idea for a side scroller game is to make a simple platformer, not unlike Super Mario, but incorporating elements from Mega Man X (such as the insane difficulty and projectile attacks), Rayman Origins (co-op gaming) and Donkey Kong Country (sidekicks, collectibles). The genius of this though, is that since simplicity is the focus, a direct port between mobile and console is possible because the control scheme will be the same between the console and mobile version of the game, letting people who are more familiar with console gaming enjoy this game and vice-versa.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I don't really care about the PS4 because I barely bought a PS3 about 2 years ago and I'm not willing to spend $400 on a console I'll own in about 3 years that I'll buy for $250 with 2 games (a bundle) from Best Buy.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Walter Dean Myers

Walter Dean Myers was born August 12, 1937. Early in his life his mother died after giving birth to his little sister, and he was raised by foster parents, where he took his middle name from. He grew up in Harlem, New York, where at an early age he acquired an early love for reading and writing. He attended school until high school, where at the age of 17 he dropped out to enter the army. After exiting the army, he continued writing and became a prolific author, receiving many nominations and prizes for his work, which include the novels Fallen Angels, Monster, and Autobiography of my Dead Brother.