Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Adding Game Ingerdients

In my opinion, this is the single most difficult task I have ever done on a computer. For about a month I struggled with adding a scoreboard, a message box, and sound bytes. The computer trolled me more times than I could count. But eventually I got the code to work, and my game is now complete.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Adding hidden objects

This is the first time I worked with ActionScript in Flash, and so I had a lot of trouble getting the program to work at first, but it then decided to obey my will and finally started working. Hopefully adding the scoreboard won't be as hard.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Drawing background

Drawing my background was confusing. At first I thought that you used your prototype to use as a blueprint, but as it turns out, you actually have to import it into Flash and trace it! But once I did that, most of the work that I thought I was going to do was already done for me. Once that was done, I uploaded it and then got to work on my objects.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Paper Prototype

What I learned from making a paper prototype that adding all of the details in a game on paper is complicated. The easy part was drawing all of the objects in the game scene, but that hard part was adding all of the details to the scoreboard and taking into consideration that not all the objects are going to be taken. I still need to add more details though.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Day 2012

I'm sad that no third parties won any states. Gary Johnson and Jill Stein deserved the White House just as much as Obama (and so much more than Romney). I wish we had had fake elections at school to determine who us kids would have liked to have as president.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My game idea

What excites me about my game idea is that using this game' kids will be able to make food choices for themselves, such as picking both an apple and a pizza slice from the fridge. The kids who play this game will receive points for choosing healthy foods, and will be docked points for choosing unhealthy foods. The goal is to get the most points possible out of choosing six foods.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Frankenstorm 2012

I don't know anyone living up in New York, but if I made a hidden object game abut Hurricane Sandy, the player would have to find supplies to survive in a storm.
List of items:
1: Water
2: Food
3: Medicine
4: Batteries
5: Flashlight
He would have to sort though other hings that would instead harm him.
1: Seawater
2: Spoiled food
3: Spoiled medicine
4: Spoiled batteries
5: Knife
The player would learn what things are necessary to survive, and what things are not.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Play to Learn 1

The things I learned from the game I played are various. I learned how to distinguish between a well made game and a game made in a day, how to find elements in the game such as interactable objects, and I learned about the subject presented in the game. This will help me know what to add to a game to improve it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

1st Presidential Debate

I saw the 1st Presidential Debate last Wednesday, and the impression that made is one I didn't expect. For the most part of the debate Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, left himself wide open to counterattack from Barack Obama, the Democrat president-elect, by not specifying what his plans for Social Security, Medicare, education, and the economy. It's as if he was just egging Obama on to attack him. Unfortunately, Obama, who was feeling rather nervous that day, never capitalized on the opportunity Romney was giving him, and he just restated many of the things that we already knew was his plan for most of the subjects presented. Therefore, Romney started making reckless comments, trying to see if they would have any effect on Obama. They didn't. Thus Romney was presented as confident, whereas he was simply reckless. As for Obama, he was portrayed as timid, where he was actually overprotective of his comments. My opinion is that neither won the debate.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dangers of a Single Story

To have a single story is to have only one description of a community or place, and you base all of your beliefs in this single description you know. For example, I've heard a lot of derogatory comments about Del Valle, which is where I live. What's missing from this is the truth, as Del Valle does have some problems, but it isn't all that bad. I've also heard derogatory comments about the Dallas community my uncle lives in. I don't live in the area, but I'd like to find out more for myself. A game about these issues could dispose of all these assumptions people have based on stereotypes.

A New Year

It's my first year participating in Globaloria, and what I hope to do is learn how to work and program in Adobe Flash. I'm hoping to make a game where you learn how math affects different areas of life. I'm most exited about learning about different subjects I can use in my games.