Friday, October 5, 2012

1st Presidential Debate

I saw the 1st Presidential Debate last Wednesday, and the impression that made is one I didn't expect. For the most part of the debate Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, left himself wide open to counterattack from Barack Obama, the Democrat president-elect, by not specifying what his plans for Social Security, Medicare, education, and the economy. It's as if he was just egging Obama on to attack him. Unfortunately, Obama, who was feeling rather nervous that day, never capitalized on the opportunity Romney was giving him, and he just restated many of the things that we already knew was his plan for most of the subjects presented. Therefore, Romney started making reckless comments, trying to see if they would have any effect on Obama. They didn't. Thus Romney was presented as confident, whereas he was simply reckless. As for Obama, he was portrayed as timid, where he was actually overprotective of his comments. My opinion is that neither won the debate.

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